Thursday, May 17, 2012

join us/support us/be with us

To my family and friends,

Join us.  This Sunday, I invite you to come as I speak among our new church.  I've recently taken a pastoral position and this Sunday is the first time I'll be speaking.  This is an exciting time for Kelly and I and we're super-excited about what God has been doing amidst our church community.

Brief history.  A year ago, a few people were inspired to plant a church (an extension of Impact Church in Lowell) in the Saranac community.  Plans were made, organizing was done; we can't believe how God has showed up.  Our church has now been in official existence for the past 12 Sundays.  People from Saranac/Ionia/Clarksville/Lowell have banded together in community and have sacrificed their time and energy in order to make this happen.  God has been faithful as people are continuing to be reached in the greater Saranac community.  We're seeing 200+ people come each Sunday with an inspiring amount plugged into LifeGroups throughout each week.  We're continuing to watch a movement unfold…

People not building.  Right away from its inception, this church has been centered on a community with a desire to follow Jesus.  It's been about people wanting to be part of a fresh expression of church as well as their willingness to make it happen.  It's about people who are passionate about learning what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  It's about friendships.  It's about community.  It's about bringing the ways of Heaven to Earth.  It's centered on Christ's influence in people's hearts and souls, not a building.

Saranac High School.  This Sunday, we invite you to join us at the Saranac High School for our 10am gathering.  We'll be talking about what it means to truly live an inspired life.  If you have kids, you may want to come early (9:30) and get them checked into our KidsZone.

Join us.  Again, this will be my first time speaking among our new church community.  I'm pumped about it and I'd love it if you could join us!

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