Thursday, August 16, 2012

a beautiful thank you

Church is a movement and it includes you.  It's so easy to become disillusioned with the idea that church is about them, those people, that structure, or the building; it's not.  Church is about you.  It's about us.  It's about the connection that exists between you and God.  It's about you and those who follow Jesus beside you.  Church is about pulling yourself up by the boot-straps and letting God work through you for the movement of his kingdom.  Church is a kingdom outpost that is built and maintained by your circle of influence.  Church is a movement, and it includes you.

The church is beautiful!  This past Sunday, I was overwhelmed by the time and energy and sacrifice that goes into making our gatherings happen - you are beautiful.  I don't often get the chance to thank and encourage you all, but I truly think you are beautiful.  Whether you serve Frontline, Kidzone, Set up or tear down, whether you serve through tech or praise on the worship team; it's people like you that make the movement of the church shine with a blissful beauty.  Perhaps you don't serve on any formal ministry platform; perhaps you serve your neighbor by having them over for dinner, maybe you pour life into that person at work, or maybe you are fostering a Christ-centered environment at home for your kids - you are beautiful!   

Let us continue our beautiful shine for those that need the hopeful and redemptive gospel message in Saranac.  As we continue to create, foster, build and maintain our koinonia gatherings in Saranac, let's continually be reminded of what we're doing this for.  We are learning the way of Jesus.  We are not only learning the way, but we're striving to live the way as well.  We're not only going to settle for learning and living the way either, we're going to share the way of Jesus with our family, friends and even our enemies.  May we continually remember the power that exists in the gospel of Christ.  This power is life-altering.  It's earth-shattering.  The message of Christ changes everything.  May the LORD give us the power of his Spirit to be witnesses that continue to shine God's beauty and love into every moment.  

Remember to tell someone how beautiful their life is.  As we do life together, it's important that we recognize the sacrifice and energy and time that we each are pouring into the kingdom's movement.  Encourage someone.  Thank whoever you see laying their life on the line.  Support those who continually create and maintain a Spirit-led momentum.  I pray that we all cultivate a culture among koinonia that identifies one another's servitude.  I challenge you to take five minutes and call someone tomorrow and thank them for their faithfulness to Christ's church.  Do it, seriously.  We all need encouragement don't we?  Take this opportunity to lift someone up.  Your life is beautiful...make sure you let someone know that theirs is as well!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  ~Colossians 3:17

Whatever you do, do it in a way that shines the beauty of God to the world.  

Thank you for being beautiful!!!!

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