We find art everywhere.
Sometimes we notice the beauty of a painting...
Sometimes we don't even realize what we're seeing.
Recently I found myself sitting in a waiting room completely perplexed and conscious by a pair of paintings.
The details.
The scenery.
The temperature created by the colors.
One had a cold feeling as it tried to capture the emotions of an overcast day.
The other was warm as the sun vanished behind the clouds of a summer day.
...I was looking at paint dried on cloth.
Sitting there in that waiting room something dawned on me and I began to wonder....
If I were sitting with the artist of these paintings, would they want me to be interested solely in the paint and the cloth???
I'm convinced artists are far more concerned with expressing their perspective of reality than they are about the objects of paint and cloth.
I'm convinced they see art as a portal revealing another way of seeing the world.
People have been doing this sort of thing for thousands of years.
Warm colors
Cold colors
Its not simply seeing the colors, its feelings the colors.
Art reflects reality through the eyes of the artist.
I'm convinced that artists prefer us to look beyond the art into something deeper.
Something bigger.
They don't want us to stop at the art.
They want us to look at the world from another angle.
To appreciate reality from another dimension.
Paintings, sculptures, photography, landscape, literature, music, ...
Look beyond
Look bigger
See the beauty behind the art.
See reality from another angle.
Maybe it will dawn on you like its dawning on me...
...we can be so numb sometimes.
Art is somebody's reality.
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