Many of us often project an image that exaggerates our good qualities.
Many of us want people to think we're better then we really are.
Some would say this sort of trait is quite normal.
We front.
We act.
We pretend to take on characteristics of someone we aren't.
The thing is, the people closest to us notice this kind of activity.
They see how silly we can act.
They might even call us out for being "fake."
The people closest in our lives help keep us grounded.
We come across someone who really IS the way they project.
See, usually the more we get to know people, the more flaws we see.
The more we get to know people, we see how they front and act.
We even come to love people for their flaws.
But what about those people who are opposite of this.
The people who we respect, look up to, and admire more and more as we get to know them.
The people who care more about integrity and character than they care about their "image."
These people are rare!
When we find these people, we should keep them close.
They make great friends
...the sort of friends that we want to have for the rest of our lives.
These people inspire us
...they lift us up
...they show us what it means to be real
...these people are solid.
We don't come across these people everyday.
When we do, we tend to notice.
This sort of thing stands out.
...my Dad....
He is one of these people!!!!
Thank You Dad!
I love you!
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