Let me start by asking you this question:
"Who are you following?"
I've been asking myself this question quite regularly lately. Often times, I find that I can live and think in ways that are so opposite of the ways of Jesus. Its no that I wake up in the morning and make the decision not to be a Christian, its that if I don't make an effort to continually mimic the ways of Jesus, I look pretty nasty. I can't stand it when I look this way. I can't stand it when I follow "my" way over God's Way. I'm often embarrassed of myself when I don't live out the Way that I teach.
Everybody follows somebody.
Jesus said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me." (John 14:23-24)
So I continually ask myself and I encourage you to ask yourself,"Who are you following?"
The ways of your self?
The ways of God?
Do you obey your own made up ideas?
Do you obey Jesus' teachings?
This is the journey of the life of every Christian. We don't just wake up and look like Jesus. First we have to put our faith and trust in him, then we have to learn what he taught, and then we have to live it.
Following Jesus.
This is what we're all about. We are about making disciples of this Jesus. We are about walking and living in the same way Jesus walked and lived. We are about following Jesus, because He reveals the ways of the Father in Heaven.
...Who are you following?
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