Recently, I bought a 12 gauge shotgun.I bought it 2 days before "opening day" (of hunting season).
2 days doesn't give one much time to get familiarized with a gun.
The day after I bought the shotgun, I needed to sight in the scope. I was short on time and was in a hurry. I grabbed two pumpkins from the front porch to use as target practice, grabbed ten shells, and quickly began my journey into state land. I arrived at the designated location for target practice, but I forgot something.
Ear protection.
Yet I continued on.
The first shot sent a ringing wave through my ears.
The second amplified the ringing.
The third shot hurt.
I didn't stop at three.
By the tenth shot, my ears were saturated with a sharp piercing pain.
It hurt to move my jaw.
It sounded as if I were underwater.
I couldn't hear.
The radio in my car sounded muzzled.
I could hardly hear myself talk.
Its been three months and I still find myself struggling with the effects of shooting the 12 gauge with no ear protection.
"Whats that?"
"I can't hear you."
This bad decision put the world on mute.
The volume was turned down.
I can't hear as well as I did.
I did this to myself.
The thing is...I knew better.
I knew I shouldn't have shot.
But I did anyways.
Ten times.
Recently I came across a quote that I find interesting:
"Look into nature and you will understand it better."
I resonate with this.
There seems to be endless consistencies between the relationships of God and man, man and nature, and God and nature.
Creation is consistent with itself and it's Creator.
What happened with the shotgun also happens in my relationship with God.
The writers of the Bible were aware of something.
Genesis 1:2, "...the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
Psalm 139: 7-8, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there."
He is here.
He is hovering in and through us.
The writers were aware of something else.
Isaiah 59:2, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you..."
We are surrounded by a rhythm, a melody, an orchestrated song in which saturates and sustains all of creation. We are surrounded by the Spirit of God.
The more we deafen our ears, the more unable we become in hearing the music through creation.
I find the more I stumble (the more I sin) and the more I miss the mark; the less sensitive I become to the Spirit of God.
My failure(s) separates me from God.
In the same way;
shooting a shotgun without ear protection
is consistent with
living and thinking opposite the ways of God.
We turn the volume down.
We mute the music.
I turn the volume down.
I mute the music.
I find life in believing and living and thinking by the ways of Jesus.
I find hope knowing that Jesus reveals the heart of God.
I find comfort in knowing that God is revealing Himself through His Son.
May you live in sensitivity to the Spirit of God. May you place your faith in Christ who not only paid the penalty for your brokenness, but also teaches you to live the rhythm of the Father.
------Romans 7-8------
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