I find this interesting: the degree to which the diversity of Christianity reaches.
On one side, Christianity contains teachers such as Joel Olsteen who teach a health and wealth type Gospel. The other side contains the likes of individuals such as Shane Claiborne who give up everything to become poor for a mission of reaching out to the "least of these."
Where do we turn with such a broad range of Christians?
The Civil war brought about two sides (the Union and the Confederate groups) who thought God was with each of them. They both prayed, praised, and believed they had God's favor.
What do we do with this?
Health and wealth vs. social justice
Union vs. Confederates
Even in Christian denominational circles, there exists critiques of "other" denominations not doing things the right way.
Ghandi even once said he wasn't so sure of Christians, but he was quite fond of their Christ.
Jesus said something like this: "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me." (John 14:23-24)
As individuals who are disciples of this Jesus, we must stay true to His teachings. Our faith in Him encourages us to walk, live, speak, act, pray, and even breathe in His way. Ultimately, somewhere deep down inside us we know that His way is better than our way.
When religion can seem to pull us apart, Jesus (his life, his teaching, his death, and his resurrection) unites those who place their faith and trust in Him.
May the spectrum of Christians prod you to be more and more like Christ. May the various colors of religious people not discourage you, but inspire you to be like your Teacher.