Have you noticed how hard Jesus came down on the religious?
Like in Luke chapter 11 towards the end, Jesus gives a distressed proclamation focused to this people group.
Jesus even goes on to say, "Woe to you (religious people) because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it."
Jesus insults.
A while back I was in a meeting full of pastors from around the place I live. A topic had been brought up dealing with who and what kind of pastors would be allowed to be in this little group. The discussion had gone on for quite some time and standards were made which would limit who was allowed to attend our meetings.
Who was left out?
Homosexual pastors
Pluralistic pastors (those who believe there are multiple ways to God besides Jesus)
Buddhist Monks
So here you have a group of people leading congregations who are excluding other leaders who don't have it all "figured out."
In the past year I have become extremely sensitive to the places in scripture where Jesus confronts, challenges, and insults the religious leaders. Being a pastor, I have a responsibility to observe the instances where I act like just another religious leader, and the places I act as Jesus has taught.
I'm finding out that if one thing is for sure, I don't have things figured out. I'm finding that the more I study and the more that I seek, my self seems worlds apart from God. I'm finding that the more I live, feel, think, and even breathe like Jesus; the harder it is and the shorter I fall.
I don't have things figured out.
I thank God for his extension in reaching to me where I am, and where I fall short. Everyday I desire to live more in tune with God by continuing to follow the ways of Jesus. I am so thankful for this grace.
By excluding pastors who don't have it all "figured out," is the group somehow saying they do have it all "figured out?"
Its the sick that need a doctor, not the healthy.
At what point do we as followers in the way of Jesus, feel we have the right to stop extending grace to others? At what point do we say, "forget mercy," and continue to exclude the people who may need us the most?
May we, in every second of our life, continue to let Jesus teach us the difference between up and down. May we learn the ways of Jesus so that in every moment, our center is focused on doing things God's way and not our way. May we extend grace to others because of our thankfulness to God for extending his grace to us.