What does your church look like?
Maybe some of us share the same church.
Some even refer to it as "my church."
People all over the world have specific mental associations when they hear the word "church." These associations can be positive or negative, true or false, reality or fiction. The point is that everyone has a certain understanding of what a church is.
Some people sacrifice their everything to support their church.
Some people stick with the same church their whole life.
Some people jump churches until they find one that suits them.
Some of us have questions:
"How does God see church? Does God call church the same thing we call church?"
In the book of Acts, there is this place in Chapter 2 which talks about how the believers devoted themselves to one another. It even says they sold all their possessions and goods and gave it to whoever had a need. They met everyday; ate together, praised together, and God added to their numbers daily.
The book of Acts records this amazing event during Pentecost.
This is the beginning of the Church.
Is this what "your" church looks like?
May you
be one
within the community of the church
who is actively living the way of Jesus.