Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cichorium Intybus

Have you ever seen this flower?

It is a Cichorium Intybus, more commonly known as Chicory.

Odds are, you've seen this flower a 100 times and never paid it much attention because it grows in ditches and is often referred to as a weed.

A couple days ago I had my camera with me in the woods. I noticed I was surrounded by thousands of little blue flowers. I didn't pay much attention to them because they are extremely common. So there I was out in the woods looking for that perfect "one in a million" shot. I kept looking and thinking where in the world my picture was going to come from.

We all do this don't we?

We find ourselves constantly searching for something extravagant.

We find ourselves wanting something that sticks out in large and incredible ways.

We find ourselves looking for the uncommon.

At that moment, with camera in hand, I snapped this picture. I love this picture not because it is large and incredible. I love this picture because it is small and it is common. I love this picture because of what it stands for.

It is so easy to look for the large and incredible things of life, but in our attempt to do so we limit perception.

Some of the most beautiful gifts of life are right in front of our eyes and we don't even see them.

Sometimes I wonder how much we would appreciate our life if we only paid attention to the Chicory.

Where is your Cichorium Intybus?