Saturday, April 6, 2013

Starting Point - five years in the making

Tomorrow I get to share something that I have been talking and dreaming about for five years. I can't wait! It'll be unique because I'll be sharing not only "what if" conversations and hypotheticals; I'll be sharing actualities that continue to unfold right in front of our eyes. For the past five years, it seems as if that's what I've been doing - talking about my dreams and passions and ambitions for a church that didn't yet exist. In the past year, something has changed.

A church is in the midst of being planted - the Bridge. This actuality includes people, passions, hearts, families - it's a beautiful community of Christ followers. Never did I dream that I would be part of such an amazing calling.

Tomorrow we will share the meaning behind our church's name, our vision and mission, and the values that will mark our church's purpose.

In a way, tomorrow is a climactic time in my life, yet in another way, it's nothing but a mere starting point.

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