Our family had to go to Walmart while we were on vacation. While we were there, we were walking through a particular aisle showing Jude all the cool bikes. I can't wait to see the look freedom and balance give Jude's face when he rides a bike without training wheels for the first time. I know that as a Dad, I'm supposed to be patient about these kinds of things, but it's something I'm looking forward to so much.
Training wheels. We've all used them haven't we?
Right now, our church is feeling the exhilaration of what balance and freedom feel like. We love and enjoy our sense of empowerment. Many of us are stepping up, volunteering, and beautifully orchestrating our Sunday morning routine. Many of us are offering up prayers throughout the week for God's kingdom to continually expand in Saranac. Some of us have joined teams and are investing our time and energy into what it means to be the church in Saranac. Feeling balance is fun. Feeling free is beautiful.
Currently, our koinonia is at that point. God has graced us with leaders, wonderful hearts, and amazing love for people. We've gotten on the bike and have been thrilled by the initial feelings of balance and freedom. We've grown in our relationship with God. We've let God teach us how to love others more deeply. We've seen our Kidzone transformed and given its own personality. Our set up and tear down seems unnoticeable (which is a great thing). Our Frontline team is showing love and hospitality to whoever joins us for our Sunday gatherings. Our worship team blesses us with their continual talent as well as their love for Christ. All these things seem to be streamlined and functioning flawlessly, but it's important that we realize our training wheels are still on and we're still getting used to how balance and freedom feel. Things are going incredible, but healthy growth takes time. As many of us look up and into the future with dreams, it's important we stick to the fundamentals. Let's take time and be good stewards of the freedom and balance the LORD has given us. Let's take time and be good stewards of this church that God has brought together. Let's take time to grow in Christ and in relationships among one another. Let's continue to do the small things with great love. Although it may seem as if we're ready to ride, let's slow down, dig deep, and strengthen the foundation we already have.
What this means…
LifeGroups - Instead of being a church with LifeGroups, we are a church of LifeGroups. We're encouraging everyone to plug into one of our four LifeGroups in Saranac. LifeGroups are a place where we learn about the LORD, we learn to live the LORD in our everyday lives, and a place where we learn to live and share about the LORD inside and outside of our social circles. LifeGroups are the heart and soul of what it means to be koinonia and we encourage you to participate.
Serve - There are many ways you can serve. Whether you're great with kids, with providing a welcoming hospitality, whether you're talented musically or with technical skills, or whether you can carry a chair or push a tote; our church needs people to serve and volunteer to make Sunday mornings possible. To get involved and or find out more, please see the Frontline desk on Sunday morning. Want to help us this Sunday? Show up at 8am.
Give - Many of us give 10% of our income to the church. Crazy? We think so. But when we give with humble and joyful hearts, God turns the little we offer into something large and expansive. He takes our humble tithes and offerings and creates transformed hearts and lives. We invite you, along with many of us, to give to the movement of God in Saranac through finances.
Pray - Along with being in LifeGroups, serving and giving, we ask that you join us in prayer. Prayer is essential. This has been and continues to be one of the most refreshing ways God speaks to me. Prayer rejuvenates the soul. It strengthens the heart. Prayer is a core spiritual discipline that I encourage all of you to constantly participate in.
We still have our training wheels on, but I pray we'll continue to build a foundation on the balance and freedom that God has given us. Whether we're in LifeGroups, we're serving, giving or praying; I hope that the kingdom of God (as shown to us in Christ) permeates everything you do. I pray that his love flavors your relationships, the way you see yourself and the way you see the world. I pray that you participate in bringing a little heaven to Earth with us. May his kingdom come and his will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Growth is happening among us. It's important that as we move forward, we continue to strengthen our personal relationships with the LORD. Out of that, He will do beautiful things!! Out of a community built upon their relationships with God and each other, our church will be able to embrace balance and freedom so that we can eventually ride. May we continue to remember the fundamentals.