Thursday, July 26, 2012

light show participant

I could have had my head gently nestled into my pillow this past Wednesday night.  Instead, I was driving towards Greenville at about ten after midnight in the sticky heat.  I was storm chasing.  Off in the distance, I could see the silhouette of the thunderheads lit up by the machine gun-type lightening that flashed in the clouds.  What a beautiful light show!  I could have been in bed, I thought, but instead, I chose to chase this storm and I’m glad I did.  I love storms!

Did you know that Jesus prayed for us?  Some 2000 years ago, he said this prayer that was directly for his disciples and any believers that followed after them – which is us.  This prayer is found in John 17.  He prayed that instead of us falling asleep with our heads nestled into our pillows; that we would see the light show.  He wanted us to see the lightening, the beauty, the power and the very joy that the Father had given him.  He wanted us to know that an eternal and infinite and abundant kind of life is possible as we continue our lives in this world.  He wasn’t concerned about our attempt to vacate this world and live in a better place; he wanted us to infect this world with his love and power and unity.  He wanted us to observe and participate in the beauty of his light show. 

We can go to bed if we want.  The thing is, the world isn’t always cognitive of what God is doing behind the clouds because the world sleeps - the world doesn’t truly know the heart of God.  If we’re sleeping, we’re not going to see his light. 

There’s this quote that has become quite cliche but holds truth, “Be in the world and not of the world.”  Although Jesus doesn’t say this verbatim, this is what he’s saying when he prays for us.  When the world sleeps, drive to see what God is doing and stay in rhythm with him.  When your friends and peers seem to have their heads snuggled into their pillows, continue to participate and observe in the light show.

May we infect the world with the presence of Jesus.  May our thoughts, our attitudes, our actions and our words continue to bear the fruit of Christ.  May we not fall asleep - may we not become 'of the world.’  May we pursue the show of light - may we continue seeing and spreading the beauty of God in this world.  May we be the light of the world.

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