Recently I was in my car driving, listening, and singing to a CD I love.
My phone rang and it was a good friend of mine from the east coast.
We began talking and laughing like we usually do about the humor and the complexities of life.
Ten minutes into our conversation, I noticed I was irritated and wanted nothing more than to get off the phone with this good friend of mine.
The conversation changed from something funny and pleasant, to aggravated and angry.
As I got off the phone ASAP, I noticed something.
The CD that I was listening was skipping. It was repeating the same irritating noise. As I thought about it, I realized that it had been skipping for a good 5 minutes.
I was so caught up in the conversation, I didn't realize that the song wasn't playing like it was supposed to.
Although I didn't realize it at the time, this skipping CD effected my mood, demeanor, and attitude. It changed a pleasant conversation to an annoyed conversation. I couldn't understand this until I focused on what was actually happening.
We all have this skipping CD don't we?
Things don't go as we expect them to.
Our plans don't work out like we want.
Sometimes we blame God.
Sometimes we don't understand what He's doing.
We must realize that this song of creation is in fact skipping. Its not playing out in the exact way that God had in mind.
This skipping CD affects us:
Some of us sing along to the skipping.
Some of us actually think the CD is supposed to be skipping.
Its not.
The teachings of Jesus show us that God wants us to partner with Him in bringing Heaven to Earth. Jesus teaches us a new way, a new Kingdom announcement right in the middle of this one.
A correction to the skipping of the CD.
Romans 12:2, "Do no conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Never get used to the skipping.
May you follow the way of Jesus as you sing to the original song of creation.
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