Sunday, March 6, 2011

You Alone by Tye Tribbett

Awesome God you are
Desired of all nations
Bread of life
Sovereign one Eternal

Elohim - you are Creator
El Elyon - you are the most high
Ropheka - you're our healer
Shammah - you are present with us

There is no one else like you
Jesus you're the Great I Am, we sing
Worth is the lamb, worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb

You're the great I Am
First begotten of the day,
your name is Jesus
the lamb of God who was slain

Rohi- you're my shepherd
Jireh- you're our provider
Tsidkenu- my righteousness
Eloheenu- you are the Lord our God

There is no one else like you
Jesus you're the Great I Am, we sing
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy, worthy, worthy

Worthy is the lamb, we lift our voice to you and sing
Worthy is the lamb, worthy worthy is the lamb of God
Worthy is the lamb, worthy is the lamb

You are alone worthy of all praise and I will bless your name
In you I have all I ever need, I live to give you thanks

Oh for in His presence is fullness of joy
and at his right hand are pleasures forever more
we worship you Oh Ancient of days
you're worthy Jesus
Yes Lord, Let us join the angels in heaven
Let us worship our King

You are alone worthy of all praise and I will bless your name
In you I have all I'll ever need, I live to give you thanks

We love you Jesus
for your goodness and your mercy
we give you thanks
thank you Jesus
If we had ten thousand tongues
we still couldn't give you thanks


I mess up. I don't do things right. I can be a better father and a better husband. I can be a better pastor. I can be a better follower of Jesus.

I'm going to fail. I'll always have a way of screwing things up. And I have so much to learn about life, love, and other mysteries.

…but I had a thought tonight.
I'd have to say it was about
10:00pm earlier tonight
(March 6, 2011) when this
thought went through my mind…

I had just finished a busy day.
9:30-10:30 taught (Sunday School)
10:30-12:00 one of the best worship gatherings I've ever been a part of
12:20-4:15 Men's league basketball tournament (our team won I must say…haha!)
4:15-4:40 Rest/Down Time
4:40-8:00 Axis Youth Group

The rest of the night consisted of down time with my wife. I made her hot chocolate with a bunch of marshmallows on top, and I even added whipped cream.

A thought crossed my mind at about 10 p.m. tonight and I believe its completely true. I have been a Christian for a while, but I was so overwhelmed with a sense of love and peace tonight that it felt as if I found the Lord and fell in love again for the very first time.

This thought led me to the next thought.

The next thought is the one I referred to at the beginning of this blog:

Through the ups and downs of life, tonight my life has climaxed to a point of abundance that I've never been to before. The peace and joy felt in the depths of my heart is overwhelming. Thus far, life hasn't been better than this. God has blessed me with a beautiful, wonderful wife whom I adore. He has given us the most amazing (I get emotional when I talk about this) little boy a man could ask for. I have been blessed with an incredible family who loves the LORD and has brought me up in the way I should go. But regardless of those wonderful blessings, none is more of a blessing than having the Spirit of God in my soul. God pouring himself into me is opening life to become far more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness! He is faithful!

scripture: Interesting verse from Deuteronomy.

As written by Moses,

"The LORD said to me: 'What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.'"

I had to read that over a bunch of times to catch what its saying and implying.

…the prophet God would rise up is Jesus.

Knowing that, I went back and had to read what God wanted Jesus to do. From this single verse, its interesting that it says, "He will tell them everything I command him."

Jesus is telling us what God wants us to know.

Jesus himself says this: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."

He also says: "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."

Maybe there is more merit to Jesus' teachings than we give him credit for.

I communicate through personal conversation, blogs, emails, phone conversations, Facebook, looks, writing, and etc… I communicate on quite a simple level.

God communicates on a higher level, and thats through an actual person.

Jesus is the greatest communicator for God. He reflects the mind of God. He IS God as a person.

This has been challenging me lately. Do I really live my life as a student of the greatest teacher of all time? Do I listen and follow the smartest person ever to exist? Does my Christianity parallel it's Christ?

again… "What would happen if we took Jesus seriously?"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cultivating Positive Community 2

Huron County is, quite honestly, a place where religion is part of the heritage. The Christian church landscape here is quite diverse hosting a vast array of denominations such as: Catholic, Presbyterian, Amish, Mennonite, Episcopal, Church of Christ, Assembly of God, Methodist, Free Methodist, Baptist, non-denominational, Wesleyan, Missionary, Nazarene, Seventh Day Adventist, as well as others I'm sure.

The common ground in all these denominations is Jesus. Jesus Christ. The Messiah. God incarnate as man. The word of God that became flesh. God revealed to man as man.

As I was looking at the title of my last blog, "Cultivating Positive Community," I was reminded of the community Jesus taught about; which happens to be the subject he taught on the most. He referred to it as the Kingdom of God.

I often dream about the transformation that would take place in our community if many of the church attenders would individually take Jesus seriously. The man who unites us all in our different denominations (Christ), is degraded to a joke or even a "swear word". The man who revealed the way of God, the truth of God, and the life of God has become nothing more than a picture or name or religious symbol in our churches. What would happen if we all committed our lives to following the person we say we believe in?

Cultivating Positive Community? Living within the Kingdom of God? It starts with embracing this Jesus as a teacher as well as a savior. If people truly accepted Christ and received the Spirit of God he promised, what a beautiful community we would live in!

People would be overflowing with:

love like never before
joy like never before
peace like never before
patience like never before
kindness like never before
goodness like never before
faithfulness like never before
gentleness like never before
self-control like never before

Can you imagine if this community embraced God in the deepest parts of their lives?

It's about embracing the purpose and intent that God originally created us to live for.

Talk about cultivating positive community…

a community focused on living for the Lord
a land sold out to accepting Jesus.

…a kingdom of God!

What would happen if we took Jesus seriously?!?!

Cultivating Positive Community

Great programs don't just happen. Ninety-nine percent of the time, state championship teams have a community who rallies behind and believes in their players, their team, their coaches, athletic director, and administration. The selfish mentality consumed more with "me" than "we" is a cancer. It is an incredibly hard to work as a coach/teacher/administration under this condition; and quite honestly any other cooperatively slanted vocation. My hope would be that the high school players in Ubly, as well as the rest of Huron county will be able to feel a community backing that believes in them as a whole. How great a culture we could create if we could only look past the pessimism and focus on being positive. This culture has to start in each of our lives, our homes, and our families. If we aren't willing to support our community, we should never expect success.

Great programs don't just happen.

Positive Communities don't just happen.

This sort of tight knit atmosphere begins at a personal level and moves to a communal level.

It starts with me, you, and us on an individual level.

Friday, March 4, 2011

In response to the statement, "At least this coach plays all of his players."

I'm commenting on a statement made in regards to a high school basketball team. I have never understood this logic and I hope by posting this, someone will enlighten me. Every once in a while I'll come across someone who thinks this way. Its not very often, but they (or maybe its you…and if it is I mean no offense) are out there.

This is what I think…and I also think I'm right.

The statement was: "At least this coach plays all of his players."

This isn't elementary or junior high basketball anymore. This is high school basketball. Just like high school football or other competitive and similar structured team sports; the players who put time into the game and develop skill play. I commend the efforts of a coach to play every player, but the players have all the time in the world to prove themselves in the off season. If coaches take minutes away from players who actually have skill and put in time, they are degrading the competitive nature of the team. If kids don't invest time on their own watch, how can they complain about their minutes?

The idea that everybody deserves playing time has undertones of socialism. In fact, we're seeing more of this now than ever: the entitlement mentality. This mentality is crushing the spirit of what made our country great. I know we're simply talking about high school basketball, but the logic being used here is alarming.

For Example:
If Jimmy spends the summer shooting 500 shots a day, jumping rope 500 times a day, work on ball handling for a half hour, and continues to push himself on his game; he can expect his investments will eventually pay off in better shooting, jumping, and ball handling. As basketball season comes around, little Bobby down the street (who hasn't put any time into the game) comes out for the basketball team. He's naturally athletic enough to contribute to the team, but only as a practice player. Through the season, little Bobby gets upset because he isn't playing as many minutes as Jimmy. Of course, at this point the last thing on Jimmy's mind isn't how many minutes he plays, his mind is on winning games. When Bobby subs in for Jimmy and continues to play in his place, Jimmy gets frustrated. He isn't upset because he's not getting minutes; he's upset because Bobby is turning the ball over, taking bad shots, not seeing opportunities to score, and ruining possessions in the course of the game. Because of Bobby's inexperience and lack of skill, the team's win is compromised. Jimmy is left frustrated and discouraged. He doesn't understand why little Bobby who really doesn't care about the game (he really just plays basketball to stay busy and be with his friends) is given the opportunity to be a detriment to the team. This ends up lessening Jimmy's work ethic and motivation to become a better player, and furthermore, his motivation to better his team. Not only is Jimmy's work ethic hurt, but so is the rest of the teams. Why would the team want to work on their game and individually become better (thus to be a better united team), if all the players are going to be played?

From this simplistic example, we can see why a "socialistic" basketball team can ruin the competitive edge of a team. The competitive nature of team is what makes these types of sports work.

The comment, "At least this coach plays all of his players," is one I have a hard time understanding, especially in the societal environment which we live. The former statement is ignorant and extremely shallow.

Obviously, high school and college sports programs are on completely different planes, but I wonder how many college basketball coaches play all their players. This is high school basketball, not junior high. This is a competitive sport, not a "have everyone play so nobody's feelings get hurt" sort of social club.

I think Ken has been doing an excellent job this year, good work coach! A 16-4 record is amazing. I have had a great time watching through the season. Good luck to Ubly in Districts!

promotion: "ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church"

Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch put together a great reminder in focusing in the importance and centrality of Christ in our relationship with the Father.

The church often becomes so focused on itself, it forgets the purpose of it's original function. Jesus called us to make disciples (of Himself.) He is the way, the truth, and the life. Whenever we ignore the centrality of Jesus in our faith (and importance of him being the only way to the Father), we move to a place that Jesus nor any of the other apostles intended for us to go. We must continue to look to Jesus as our savior, but also our teacher (or in more of a Jewish sense, our Rabbi). ReJesus encourages us to remember that our lives will never bring to surface questions that Jesus cannot and did not address. Jesus reveals the nature of the Father, he teaches the Kingdom of God, and his multiplicity methods of discipleship continue to scream success throughout the course of history. This book grounded me, and reminded me that I am called to be a disciple of Jesus.

Very good read!

Plus: Their discussion on Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy is amazing. May we not consume ourselves with arguments about orthodoxy that we forget to engage in orthopraxy!

promotion: Dallas Willard's "The Divine Conspiracy"

I've been reading this book for a while now. There is so much to take in and soak up. He is probably one of the most balanced (orthodoxy as well as orthopraxy) theologians of our time. His work touches upon everything from prayer, to worship and being in the presence of God, to going into a solid exposition of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Working in academia, Dallas has the ability to engage the mind as well as the heart of those who read his work.

Personally, I feel like I read a paragraph of his work and I have something to ponder and think about for days. He truly has a gifted mind, heart, and an ability to pull it all together and communicate it to his focused audience.

If you're a reader, pick up his stuff and slowly read through it. It won't let you down.

this is Joy!

If someone asks me what the love of God is like, I explain in terms of Jude. My love for Jude Francis Martin is a simple drop of God's love for us.