Monday, January 24, 2011
Luke 6:43-49
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Effects of Belief
- Chocolate
- Porterhouse steak flavored dog food
- Candy
- Coffee Mate
As one would guess, the kids ate the chocolate and the candy without thinking twice about it. When it came to the Coffee Mate and the dog food, there was hesitation.
But Why?
Why didn't the kids eat the coffee mate and dog food in the same way they ate the chocolate and candy?
Coffee Mate goes into coffee, and dog food is disgusting.
We live what we believe don't we?
We believe chocolate has an attractive taste, therefore we eat it.
We put gasoline in our cars because we believe and know our cars need it to run.
We wear warm clothes in the winter because we believe they will keep us warm.
Paul (in Romans 1:5) puts it this way, "obedience that comes from faith."
It comes to me as interesting when obedience doesn't follow faith. In virtually every area of our livese, we make decisions and assumptions based on what we know and believe to be true. This is why I find it interesting when someone makes the statement that they believe in Jesus. To truly believe in Jesus means to soak up and absorb every word that came out of His mouth, and live accordingly. To have faith in Him means to drop our own focus of life and follow His. It means to look at the world through His eyes. It means to embrace the Spirit of God like he did. To have faith in Jesus means to refucus and reprioritize our lives around His teachings of the kingdom of God. Some would call this sort of thing a "change in direction." Repentence. New Creation. Born Again. Become like new. And from our faith in Jesus, obedience will naturally follow.
Obedience that comes from faith isn't strict rules or vigorous religious disciplines made by man. Obedience that comes from faith isn't the yoke of mankind cast on our necks. Its not a burden. Its not depressing.
Obedience that comes from faith in Jesus is life-giving. Its a way to live right here and right now in this life. Obedience is looking to Jesus as a Savior and a teacher. It means to follow and apply His teachings to our lives. It means to practically apply His way to our day.
Many of us have progressed and evolved in a culture that seems to exemplify faith and works as being two separate identities when it comes to the catagory of the religious. The masses declare to have faith, but would someone please show me the same amount of obedience that stems from it. Maybe we're caught more in the iconology of Jesus and less in the applicability of Jesus? Maybe we simply don't have faith.
"I sure do like what He did for me, but I don't want to do anything for him." Is this faith?
If there's no obedience, maybe there's no faith.
James 2:17-18, " by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead....I will show you my faith by what I do."
Eventually we have to ask ourself questions.
How serious are we about this Jesus dude?
Do we have faith?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Blessed in Being

When I was a freshman in high school, I went was involved in a road bicycle group named "DeCycles." This particular year, we were scheduled to cycle approximately 1,300 miles.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
One Lord
Make His Reality Ours

Does Jesus really have relevance in the daily, momentary life flow?
A man that lived two thousand years ago cannot honestly have advice for me living in the twenty first century.
He was a great teacher in his time, and we use some of his ideas, but to honestly say that he has all the answers is ridiculous. We like the ideas of love, peace, and justice; but those ideas were around long before Jesus.
We believe He is the:
-Logos (or Word of/about God)
-Son of God
We continue to believe that no matter what the surrounding atmosphere of culture says, this Jesus has the answers to not only our simpleton questions, but also the answers of reality itself. Jesus was saturated in the Spirit and very Breath of God. He was a rabbi (teacher), and ultimately paid the penalty for the sins of mankind. He was the fullness of God existing in the fullness of man. We embrace the fact that we are saved by grace through faith, and this is a complete gift from God (Ephesians 2:8). This faith is not only directed towards his death and resurrection, but also to everything he said and taught to those who would listen. We cherish his teachings and strive to live our lives by the lens of his reality, which is ultimately God’s reality.
The Messiah teaches us to follow His ways(John 14:15). So as Christ is the center of our faith, he represents the axis to which our lives revolve and rotate.
The heart and hub for things such as:
Our perspective of the world around us
The way we spend money
How we communicate
The things we think about
Our values
Our overall focus and goals
The way we care and treat people
The way we perceive ourselves in relation to God
As Jesus is our axis, we want His reality to become our reality. Ultimately we know His reality is Truth. We become His students. When we fall short, we know His blood covers our failures and screw-ups. We seek to see the world through his lens instead of our own. The nucleus of our existence is based upon the life and death of the Messiah.
So let us rise and be a people who’s AXIS is centered on Christ!
Monday, January 10, 2011

It's been a while since the last time I updated this blog, and with the changes in our life, I figured now is good a time as ever.