Sunday, November 21, 2010

What about them?

Tonight was a great night. I was able to be involved in a community Thanksgiving service. It was held at the local First United Methodist Church and put on by the local BACMA (Bad Axe Christian Ministerial Association). I thought it would be appropriate to invite some of the young people from our youth group. It was great to see our church's youth group in attendance. But, I have to be honest with you, soon into the service, I quickly regretted the decision. Only a small handful of our kids showed up, but I still regretted the decision. A small part of my started wondering how this service ministered to the young people, who need to be ministered to the most.

Let me clear the air, we can't take away from a person's sincerity. The Thanksgiving service was full of the greatest, most sincere pastor's you could ever imagine. We were singing hymns, reading scripture, and sharing thankful prayers of how God blesses people. The sincerity of this service was absolutely stunning. It was completely evident that the Lord moved among the people. The way the songs were sung touched my heart. The way the service flowed was real, intimate, and heartfelt.

Throughout this service, I felt this interesting conflict. My heart felt for those who sincerely and passionately worshiped God. Yet on the flip side, my heart hurt for some of the young people in attendance. For those young people, I had to wonder: what did this do for them? Did they know and understand the sincerity of the one's putting on the service? Could they understand the depths of people's hearts? Yet I found myself asking different kinds of questions. What do they think of the music? Do the young people wonder why they're the only ones in attendance? What do the young people think of this rigid formality?

What kind of services do we put on for people? Do our church services minister only to the lifelong Christians? If a person off the street came to a service, what sorts of thoughts and impressions would they have? I absolutely love the sincerity of people. I love seeing how people worship. The words of some of the old hymns truly speak to me. But I wonder, what about the new people who didn't grow up on those same old hymns? What is it doing for them? Tonight was an amazing night focused on the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving. We praised, worshipped, and learned from the scriptures. For some of us that have been brought up in the church our whole lives, this was the typical sort of service we're used to. A service what would prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving. Some of us have been in and out of these sorts of churches our whole lives. It can sometimes blend together and become all the same because we've been exposed to it so much. But what about those that have never been in a church before? Are we mindful of what they perceive when they enter the building?

Tonight was amazing for me, but what about them? It's my belief that we must start paying attention to the chemistry of our church services. I believe if we want new people to worship the Lord in our buildings, we must set up services that relate to them; not just us.

I was amazed tonight because the sincerity was overwhelming. The service was great for me, but what about them?

Do we think about them?

Friday, November 19, 2010

An Earth-Shattering Treasure

What is the kingdom of heaven?

Is it the place Christians go when they die?

What have we assumed this kingdom actually is?

Are our ideas of this kingdom true?

Do yourself a favor, go to this website:

Next, under the title “Quick search,” type in “kingdom.” Once you’ve typed this into the quick search, press the “Search the Bible” button.

I’d like you to first notice how many times the bible talks about the concept of a “kingdom.” After you’ve seen there are 347 times this word it mentioned, go to the 193rd reference. This is the beginning of Matthew where Jesus starts to preach and teach on the kingdom of heaven. As you look over all the way Jesus talks, defines, and explains this kingdom; compare His idea description of the kingdom of heaven to yours. Are they the same? Different? Hmmm

I’m completely fascinated with this idea of the kingdom of heaven. What does Jesus mean when He says the “kingdom of heaven is near”? What about when He says, “the kingdom of heaven is inside of you”? Scholars and theologians continue to say that this message of the kingdom is the main point being expressed in all Jesus’ teachings.

So what is this kingdom? I encourage you to read through and look at how Jesus illustrates the kingdom of heaven.


What was Jesus saying?

I’ve come across something recently that I’ve heard before. Through focus, study, and prayer, it has become new and fresh.

In this parable, Jesus tells his disciples what the kingdom of heaven is like:

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went out and sold all he had and bought that field.”

Read this a few times..........

Think about it.... Close your eyes and imagine this happening.....

Imagine the value this man found in the hidden treasure. He finds something of great worth! What does he do? He goes and sells everything he has to purchase this field where he hid this new found treasure. We must come to the conclusion that the value of this hidden treasure is beyond the value of anything else he acquires. He gives up everything he has to take ahold this new discovery.

Did he sell things he had saved his whole life?

Did he give up a business?

What about a house, or a property?

Point is: This new finding now became the focus/priority of his life. All his investments were shifted and directed to this valuable treasure. He sold everything he had to purchase that field! Thats bold.

Some of us have found this treasure and perceive it’s value. Some recognize that a treasure exists, but they don’t experience it’s worth. Some are ignorant to the treasure and it’s worth.

The man in the parable found something that radically changed the course of his life.

This new finding changed everything!!!!!!!! What a powerful image.










He reordered his life. Everything was revamped. He didn’t simply tweak a few minor issues, his life entered into a metamorphosis. The significance of this treasure spurred radical redirection.

This is one of the ways Jesus spells out the kingdom of heaven.


I want to be part of a people who continually see the value of God’s kingdom; part of a people who have discovered the treasure. Part of a generation mindful of God’s: boundless, unlimited, never-ending, interminable, fathomless, extensive, vast, immense, incalculable, and infinite love for us.

I have found a hidden treasure! Thank God for eyes to see.

May we see the treasure! When we find it, may we remember and remind ourselves of it's infinite value!